Tag Archive for: Westerns

The Cowboy Era and Why Their Legacy Matters Today

The cowboy era won the heart and spirit of America. Discover the famous cowboys, the authors who immortalized them, and the actors who made them real.

Women of the West

Men weren’t the only colorful figures of the Wild West. Women of the West proved easily their equal.

How the Legacy of the Arizona Rangers Lives On

The fact that the Arizona Territory became the 48th state in the Union is common knowledge. Less known though is the story of the men who made this possible.

Best Westerns of all Time

The best Westerns of all time—stories of how the west was won by authors like L. Ron Hubbard, Louis L’Amour, Zane Grey, and many others you will love.

L. Ron Hubbard’s Romance with the Old West

Among the most popular of pulp fiction’s genres, the western offered L. Ron Hubbard a made-to-order literary platform. Few, if any, of his contemporaries, could invoke the natural authenticity of a Hubbard western because, to him, the western frontier was home.

Hunky Hero, Sunset Maloney from Tinhorn’s Daughter

I was reading the website, Find Me An Author/Western Fiction, and found this: “It has become apparent that the Western enjoyed its Golden Age in the 1930s and 1940s …” So, wanting to read the best Western I could, I went in search of a 1930’s Western Romance Hero.