One Author

Timeless Stories


One Author

Timeless Stories


Discover the complete collection of novels, novellas, and short stories by master storyteller L. Ron Hubbard.

L. Ron Hubbard


L. Ron Hubbard Fiction Books


Writers of the Future Volume 40 New Release


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Ole Doc Methuselah vs Captain Kirk

The Prime Directive: Ole Doc Methuselah Vs Captain Kirk of Star Trek

Captain Kirk and Ole Doc Methuselah both defied the prime directive of their respective superiors in difficult circumstances, but all in the name of doing the greater good for races, cultures, and civilizations.
1949 Hubbard and Heinlein Letter Correspondence

1949 Hubbard and Heinlein Letter Correspondence

Experience the wit and verve in the 1949 letter exchange between L. Ron Hubbard and Robert A. Heinlein. Amid the friendly banter, get advice on how to pan for gold in your back yard, and find out who is Heinlein’s favorite Hubbard space series character.
Hard Science Fiction, Nomads, and MetaphorsSaskatchewan Sunset by Lance Robinson

Hard Science Fiction, Nomads, and Metaphors

I’ve had a career journey happening in parallel with my speculative fiction journey. Those parallel journeys have involved twists and turns, a handful of publications in small press magazines, and a decade and a half of not writing fiction at all. They also involved a long trek through a career in sustainable development.

Battlefield Earth Book

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000

In 1980, Ron returned to his typewriter both for his own amusement and to celebrate his fiftieth year as a professional writer. The result was Battlefield Earth, a novel of pure science fiction. Freed from the constraints of the magazine format, Ron delivered a story of 428,750 words—the biggest single-volume science fiction novel ever published.

Mission Earth 1-10 trade paperback

The Mission Earth Series

While Battlefield Earth caught many by surprise, no one was prepared for the unique and unprecedented work that followed it. Writing once more in the science fiction genre, Ron created an unsurpassed masterpiece of satire and social commentary within the framework of a rousing intergalactic adventure. It is full of biting insights about the condition of our planet, its people, and its institutions.

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