Little Known Facts from Mister Tidwell, Gunner

Little-known facts about British Naval Commander Lord Nelson, the Napoleonic Wars, and L. Ron Hubbard’s Mister Tidwell, Gunner—an unlikely hero.

Women in Aviation and The Golden Age of Flight

Women have always played an important role in aviation—there have been courageous female pilots from the Golden Age of flight to those going to space.

Earth Day Quotes: “Cry Out”

Find one of many profound Earth Day Quotes in the lyrics for “Cry Out,” written to raise environmental pollution awareness.

Little Known Facts from Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead

The little-known fact about Alexander the Great’s march across the 200-mile desert inspires historical fiction adventure Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead.

Women of the West

Men weren’t the only colorful figures of the Wild West. Women of the West proved easily their equal.

Ancient Environmental Cleanup Project Hidden in Plain Sight

A detailed environmental cleanup project for Earth was put forth in the 1983 SF novel Mission Earth by L. Ron Hubbard.

How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Home with Evergreen Audio Classics & Avocado Pistachio Tart

A new take on how to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at home, including listening to evergreen audio classics and savoring a healthy green avocado tart.

Little Known Facts from Inky Odds

L. Ron Hubbard’s meticulous research added authenticity to his realistic fiction. This little-known fact is from Inky Odds, a China-Japanese War story.

Little Known Facts from All Frontiers Are Jealous

The little known facts from meticulous research add authenticity to L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction. This one takes you to Africa when building Sudan railway.

Mission Earth: Science Fiction & Satire

Another aspect to science fiction: by its nature most of it has an element of satire. It has been used by such notables as Mark Twain, Johannes Kepler, Samuel Butler, Jules Verne and Sir Thomas More. This becomes more obvious when the history of satire is examined and compared to science fiction.