Little Known Facts from Branded Outlaw
Little Known Facts about the guns that won the West, and stories of the West they inspired. Discover which guns made history by outlaws and lawmen alike.
Little Known Facts about the guns that won the West, and stories of the West they inspired. Discover which guns made history by outlaws and lawmen alike.
Little known facts of the 1930s added authenticity to The Sky-Crasher. Experience the courage of early aviators and how they live on through historical fiction.
This little-known fact about Gilmore the flying lion was likely inspiration for L. Ron Hubbard’s big cat air adventure Man-Killers of the Air.
Through the literature of the Old West and the American frontier the traditions live on. This realistic fiction brings the Old West vividly to life.
Little-known facts about British Naval Commander Lord Nelson, the Napoleonic Wars, and L. Ron Hubbard’s Mister Tidwell, Gunner—an unlikely hero.
The little-known fact about Alexander the Great’s march across the 200-mile desert inspires historical fiction adventure Tomb of the Ten Thousand Dead.
L. Ron Hubbard’s meticulous research added authenticity to his realistic fiction. This little-known fact is from Inky Odds, a China-Japanese War story.
The little known facts from meticulous research add authenticity to L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction. This one takes you to Africa when building Sudan railway.
This realistic fiction book used a little known fact: The Battling Pilot mentions the exclusive Pan Am Boeing 314 Clippers used by the superrich.
Epic heroes have inspired us since the beginning of recorded literature. Discover a few of L. Ron Hubbard’s timeless heroes and what defines epic.