Tag Archive for: Hollywood Christmas Parade

Captain Tom Bristol Teams with Boy Scouts of America in the Hollywood Christmas Parade

The five-story-tall Captain Tom Bristol was carried by Los Angeles Scout Troops 8, 88G, 555, and Cubs from Troop 88 in the Hollywood Christmas Parade.

The L. Ron Hubbard Theatre hosted the Hollywood Christmas Parade green room

The L. Ron Hubbard Theatre, located in the Author Services, Inc. building in Hollywood, just a block west of the famed Chinese Theatre, has been host to the green room for the Hollywood Christmas Parade for over a decade.

Stories from the Golden Age Celebrates 10 Years with the Hollywood Christmas Parade

Galaxy Press, green room for the Hollywood Christmas Parade, celebrated 10 years in the parade and the 10th anniversary for the Stories from the Golden Age by L. Ron Hubbard.

The Hero from “Under the Black Ensign” on the Red Carpet

Tom Bristol, the swashbuckling hero in L. Ron Hubbard’s pirate adventure, Under the Black Ensign, walked the red carpet in the 84th annual Hollywood Christmas Parade. Standing over five stories tall, Bristol was seen by an estimated one million fans who packed the parade route along Hollywood and Sunset Blvds.