How a World War Can Change the Outlook on Apocalyptic Books
Originally published in 1940 as the epitome of pre–WW II apocalyptic books, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a new post–WW II preface to Final Blackout in 1948. Read it here.
Originally published in 1940 as the epitome of pre–WW II apocalyptic books, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a new post–WW II preface to Final Blackout in 1948. Read it here.
At the pinnacle of apocalyptic books is the World War III dystopian novel, Final Blackout. It received much fanfare when it was first published in 1940, but even the most avid reader today doesn’t realize how pivotal a novel it was …
Science fiction is a rich genre that thrives on exploring the unknown, leading to the emergence of a wide variety of Sci-Fi subgenres, each with its own unique characteristics and themes.
Science fiction, also known as SF or sci-fi, is part of a larger genre within fiction known as speculative fiction. Speculative fiction not only includes science fiction, but also fantasy and horror as well.
This is a three-part article written by Jim Marrs, the author of the New York Times bestseller “Alien Agenda.” Part 1: A History of Alien Invasion Stories. Some believe the battle for Earth has already begun.