Little Known Facts - Inky Odds

Little Known Facts from Inky Odds

L. Ron Hubbard’s meticulous research added authenticity to his realistic fiction. This little-known fact is from Inky Odds, a China-Japanese War story.

Little Known Facts from All Frontiers Are Jealous

The little known facts from meticulous research add authenticity to L. Ron Hubbard's fiction. This one takes you to Africa when building Sudan railway.

Little Known Facts from The Battling Pilot

This realistic fiction book used a little known fact: The Battling Pilot mentions the exclusive Pan Am Boeing 314 Clippers used by the superrich.
Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman: The Devil’s Rescue?

Did the Flying Dutchman exist? Discover when and where the legend started and how this ghost pirate ship is still lingering in mainstream media.