Writers of the Future Volume 33 Book Bomb

Book Bomb for Newly Published Authors

With the release of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 33, we are proud to introduce 14 talented new authors and artists of science fiction and fantasy.

These short stories are a creative mix of speculative fiction by different writers, asking unique “what ifs.” To help give them a boost, we have organized a Book Bomb for today, April 12th, and are urging you to join us in supporting these newly published authors.


A Book Bomb is an event where participants purchase a book on a specific day to support the author, or in this case, authors of a particular title.

You can purchase Writers of the Future Volume 33 through Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or at your local Independent bookstore.


These stories were selected by the top authors of speculative fiction who are judges in the Writers of the Future Contest, household names in the field: David Farland (coordinating judge and editor), Kevin J. Anderson, Doug Beason, Gregory Benford, Orson Scott Card, Eric Flint, Brian Herbert, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Yoji Kondo, Nancy Kress, Todd McCaffrey, Rebecca Moesta, Larry Niven, Jody Lynn Nye, Nnedi Okorafor, Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers, Mike Resnick, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Brandon Sanderson, Robert J. Sawyer, Robert Silverberg, Dean Wesley Smith and Sean Williams. So you know you are getting the best, selected by the best.

If you like to read entertaining and cutting edge sci-fi or fantasy, then this book is for you.

If you are an aspiring writer, then this is a must read as it contains the latest trends in the genre plus articles on the art and craft of writing by professionals in the field.

Here are a few of the reviews for this new edition:

“The WOTF (Writers of the Future) anthologies are indispensable volumes for genre lovers who want to read great stories and enjoy great art. And this year’s volume is particularly fantastic.” —OMNI Media

“Given that the 14 new writers represented in this anthology are all winners of the contest L. Ron Hubbard founded in 1983, it’s not surprising that their contributions are of a consistently high quality. Fans of classic science fiction will find much to appreciate here.”—Publishers Weekly

“Readers who are interested in discovering promising writers and who want to sample an inventive mix of speculative fiction will be likely to find something that resonates here.”—Library Journal


This latest edition includes 14 stories selected by the judges (12 winners and 2 finalist stories) and illustrations by the winners in its companion contest–Illustrators of the Future. In addition to the stories, there are three bonus short stories (including one never before published about dragons by Todd McCaffrey) along with articles on the business of writing and illustrating by L. Ron Hubbard, Anne McCaffrey, Robert J. Sawyer, Larry Elmore, Todd McCaffrey and Bob Eggleton.

To meet our new authors and artists, be sure to follow our daily blogs features.

And thank you! We greatly appreciate your support as do all of our talented new writers and artists featured in this year’s anthology.

Authors and artists from Writers of the Future Volume 33

Authors and illustrators in Writers of the Future Volume 33: [back row, L to R] Chana Kim, Dustin Steinacker, Yader Fonseca, Anthony Moravian, Anton Rose, Ville Merilainen, David Furnal, Zipporah, David VonAllmen, Ryan Richmond, Jake Marley, C.L. Kagmi, Michael Michera, Preston Stone, Stephen Lawson, [front row, L to R] Hanna Al-Shaer, Andrew Peery, Robert J. Sawyer, Joshua Meehan, Doug Souza, Molly Atkins, Andrew Roberts and Rachel Quinlan

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