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1. Aside from L. Ron Hubbard titles, how many fiction books/audiobooks do you read per year?
2. Which genres do you read?
3. Which formats do you prefer when reading or listening?
4. Which L. Ron Hubbard fiction books have you read?
5. Would you be interested in accessing the full collection of L. Ron Hubbard novels, novellas, short stories, and Writers of the Future volumes via an app?
6. When we release all ten volumes of Mission Earth as full-cast unabridged audiobooks, which format would you purchase them in?
7. Are you interested in high-quality limited edition lithographs inspired by an L. Ron Hubbard story and signed by the artist?
8. Are you interested in leatherbound editions of L. Ron Hubbard’s novels?
9. Are you interested in first editions and autographed L. Ron Hubbard books?
10. Would you like to receive emails with historical facts from L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction stories? (One email a week, up to 12 emails per genre, and you can always opt-out.)
11. What would entice you to sign up for a monthly book or audio club membership?
12. Would you be interested in working with Galaxy Press to publicize L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction works and/or Writers of the Future anthologies?
13. Which social media channels are you active on?
14. Do you have any suggestions of fan sites, fanzines, or magazines where L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction titles and/or Writers of the Future anthologies should be promoted? If so, which?
15. Is there anything else you would like us to know to better service you?
16. Thank you! Please provide the address information so we can send your free gift.