Day 92 will be etched forever in history as the day the people of Earth took their planet back.
For over 1,000 years, the remnants of humanity struggled for survival under the oppression of the Psychlos, becoming endangered and nearly extinct.
But on Day 92, Terl’s plan to send ten golden coffins to Psychlo is the catalyst for humanity’s boldest move.
Jonnie and the Scots send a message of defiance—a final, devastating blow that ignites the Psychlo home world and turns it into a blazing star.
And a new era begins for the people of Earth, their hopes kindled, they can rise and be alive again.
Day 92 is a day worth celebrating for generations to come.
Only 92 are available.
A towering masterwork of science fiction adventure and one of the bestselling science fiction novels of all time, L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth opens with breathtaking scope on an Earth dominated for a thousand years by an alien invader—and man is an endangered species. From the handful of surviving humans a courageous leader emerges—Jonnie Goodboy Tyler—who challenges the invincible might of the alien Psychlo empire in a battle of epic scale, danger and intrigue, with the fate of Earth and of the universe in the tenuous balance.
An international bestseller for more than 30 years, Battlefield Earth has been voted among the top three of the best 100 English language novels of the twentieth century by the Random House Modern Library Readers Poll and has won worldwide critical acclaim, including the US Golden Scroll and Saturn Awards, Italy’s prestigious Tetradramma d’Oro Award (for the story’s inherent message of peace) and France’s Gutenberg Award for the novel’s exceptional contribution to the genre.
“The pace starts fast and never lets up.” —Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“More than pure science fiction, it’s pure gold.” —Barnes & Noble’s Explorations
“Pulse-pounding mile-a-minute sci-fi action adventure that does not stop. It is a masterpiece of popular adventure science fiction.” —Brandon Sanderson
“Battlefield Earth is a terrific story! The carefully underplayed comedy I found delicious. A masterpiece.” —Robert A. Heinlein
“Space opera that hits the right notes. It’s provocative, exhilarating and genuinely enjoyable.” —
“Recently there came a period when I had little to do. This was novel in a life so crammed with busy years, and I decided to amuse myself by writing a novel that was pure science fiction.” —L. Ron Hubbard
These whimsically unassuming opening words of L. Ron Hubbard’s introduction to 1982’s Battlefield Earth are deceptively revealing. The novel is pure science fiction, but of monumental breadth and creative vision.
Written with a phenomenal burst of creative energy in a sustained eight-month period in 1980 this epic novel is nothing short of massive: “428,750 words long plus intro,” as Ron finally calculated from the running tally with which he marked his daily progress.
Battlefield Earth, of course, signaled L. Ron Hubbard’s return—after an absence of three decades of extensive research, writing, and lecturing about the human mind and the spiritual nature of man—to popular literature generally and, specifically, to speculative fiction, whose modern form and dimensions he was instrumental in defining.
First published in October 1982, Battlefield Earth became a breakaway New York Times and international bestseller and has been translated into scores of languages.